Mermaid 예시
1. Pie chart
pie title Pets adopted by volunteers
"Dogs" : 386
"Cats" : 85
"Rats" : 35
2. sequence diagram
Alice -» Bob: Hello Bob, how are you?
Bob–»John: How about you John?
Bob–x Alice: I am good thanks!
Bob-x John: I am good thanks!
Note right of John: Bob thinks a long
long time, so long
that the text does
not fit on a row.
Bob–>Alice: Checking with John… Alice->John: Yes… John, how are you? @endmermaid
graph TD
A[Christmas] -->|Get money| B(Go shopping)
B --> C{Let me think}
C -->|One| D[Laptop]
C -->|Two| E[iPhone]
C -->|Three| F[fa:fa-car Car]
3. Class diagram
Animal <|-- Duck
Animal <|-- Fish
Animal <|-- Zebra
Animal : +int age
Animal : +String gender
Animal: +isMammal()
Animal: +mate()
class Duck{
+String beakColor
class Fish{
-int sizeInFeet
class Zebra{
+bool is_wild
4. State diagram
[*] --> Still
Still --> [*]
Still --> Moving
Moving --> Still
Moving --> Crash
Crash --> [*]